Homeschool Challenges

I am a competitive person by nature. With that said, I have happened across these challenges recently and they have perked my interest. Challenges like 1000 Hours Outside (, Gameschooling Challenge (, read your Bible in a year or listen to it on Spotify (The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz) or any Summer Reading Challenge, are just the tip of the iceberg. They seem to pop up as things start hum-drumming and give life and excitement to the everyday.

We have reached our first 100 hours of the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge and are beyond excited and proud. It is something that everyone can cheer and when hours, books, games, etc. are tracked and there is a goal to reach, it becomes tangible. This makes tasks that may have been difficult to get everyone on board all of a sudden interesting and asking what’s next, where are we ranking, how much more to go until we complete our next task. Apps like GooseChase are amazing because they make scavenger hunts real time and easier to check how other teams and individuals are moving along all at the same time. It ignites the competitive spirit that becomes a drive, if honed in early enough for children and can become a rekindling of one’s own competitive nature.

Competition is healthy and necessary for children and adults alike. The drive to succeed and push further is increased when there are other individuals who are striving for the same thing. Sports are incredible, I love soccer and hockey! The bottom line is that not everyone is made for sports. With challenges that pop up that incorporate different aspects and interests help to create a similar competitive atmosphere that allows for different skills to come forward and mature in a healthy and safe environment. I encourage challenges that are family centered because then children are developing these skills right next to their parents and the family is getting quality time. That’s a win-win.

Another side effect, I know I wasn’t expecting, is that family is strengthened and new fun pastimes can be realized. After completing the Gameschool Challenge, we now play board games 3 to 7 days a week! That is time away from television, video games and YouTube. It is also connection time and we have really had a chance to talk about some things that are happening that may not have been discussed before. I learned through some of my children’s play therapy that people are more likely to open up and talk and accept new ideas when they are doing something enjoyable. That has been so true and necessary with all the challenges we have all had to face with the pandemic and life looking different. Game time has allowed for social/emotional growth because patience, kindness, turn taking, teamwork and a healthy dose of competition has brought forward growth opportunities that were acknowledged and discussed as they happened.

Speaking on social/emotional health and connection, as stated above we accomplished our first 100 hours outside together. All the time that we have spent outside has been such a blessing. The time together and away from screens are the first two things that are easily visible and easily accomplished with this time outside. The things that have been unseen have been the social/emotional components that have matured during game time with family and blooms into even more when we are outside and surrounded by trees or listening for spring peepers. There is something about the outdoors that has really helped my family continue discussions that need to be had or express in ways that are difficult when indoors, climbing and running and jumping, for instance. There seems to be so much tied to our bodies and brains that come together beautifully when outside. Also, having a strong bond with God’s creation and helping with the understanding of our place in nature, of the delicate balances that are very real and very missed in some parts of society today.

These are gifts and tools I pray my children hold on to as they grow and develop into the adults they will one day be. These challenges that have been created by very creative and driven people to give others opportunities and ideas that may have otherwise been overlooked. I know I am beyond grateful and excited each time a new challenge comes across my newsfeed or my inbox. I know that when we accept the challenge we will have grown in ways we wouldn’t have imagined when we started. What challenge will you join?

(I am not affiliated with any of the above websites or podcasts)

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